Wednesday, March 23, 2005
i sat for my hpi just now n right [n]ow, im having a totally sick feeling in my stomach dat im
gonna fuckin fail dis stoopid paper.....but the shitty thing is, if i fail dis fuckin paper, i will be
EXPELLED!!!!! damn...... how am i gonna get on wit life if i were to fail dis subject...God!!!!help me down here like so sad right at this moment.....
he doesnt even care........i mean, he cant rite but still........nobody cares...........
i feel like bloody crying but at the back of my small brain, im thinking dat its not worth it....
i still have supp paper rite.........but im sick of studying this subject
i wanna pass!!!damn badly.......he is cuming to tp.....etcm...........
he dun sound happy n it makes me unhappy if he is unhappy......
not my fault dat he chooses tp over nyp or sp or np rite........[guilt is eating me inside]
but i wanna pass so dat i cud be wit him in sch.....i dun wanna be a dropout like other quitters!!!!
gawd!!!!!!!!this is totally sucky........n my dae is sucky too.....
ok now...i wanna go home......sleep my heart out n worry for my nx exam.....
1:50:00 PM
Monday, March 21, 2005
[b]OrInG Ar......I WaS lAtE fOr AN HouR 4 mY EXaM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!rAbAkS RITe???
ThEn tOt cAn Go IN Ar But DaT oLd mAn, My iNvIgIlAtOr Ar, SaE cAnnOt........BeNgA[P]
sEy...DaMn a[s]sHoLe.....ThEn aSk Me Go AsK rEgIsTrAr OfIS bUt LyK NO uSe OsO...
sTo[O]pId La.....nOw I wIlL hAvE aN [F] BUt Am GoiN To get An Mc FoR tHIs EXam Ar...
wAsTING mY DaMn [B]lOodY MoNeY....iM SoOoOo F[U]cKeD uP RiTe nW....
ReAlLi MoNDaY [B]lUeS fEr mE rItE NW......dAmN....
aRgH....hE OsO DuN WaN tEmAn me TAKe mC....lYk dAt I Go hOmE lA...........
bOrInGnYE.....oK nOw He WaNNa TeMaN Me....DaMn fIcKlE gUy......
AnYwAy, gUeZ WaT....wAn WaNtEd To aSk mE OuT YeStErdAy.....FaNiE sEy....
TaK PeRnAh2 Pun....MaYbE hE's LiKE toTaLlI dAmN BOrEd N ReAlLi Gt No Other FrEnS To
tEmAn hIM tHEn hE jUz tOt i cUd tEmAn hIM.....oKaY!!!!!!!i mAkE It SoUnD AS iF iM sO
PaThEtIc N NoT imPoRtAnT.....I MaKe iT sOuNd aS iF iM LiKE aN oThEr AlTeRnAtIvES....
aS aLwIz, I LikE To BrInG MySeLf dOwN........gEeZ........
NeWaY,dAt tYM sAw WaN tAkRaW-iNg...CoOL......buT hE wAS sOoo EmO cOz hiS ReGU
WeLL,i gTg TaKe MC....hE fInAlLI wAnna TemAn....[T]hAnK [G]oD.....
11:12:00 AM
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
woiz..............Kinda bOrEd....ErMmM.....nX WeEk The sTaRT oF ExAmS OreaDy....Im DeAd.mEaT.iN.DeEp.ShIt...aRgH!!!!!!I mIsS HiM...gAwD....
hAhA......hE ChOSES aloT oF CouRsEs FrM Tp lEi...ooOoOoEeEeE........HeHe....
HaIyA...hE WeRkIn 2DaE lA...sIaNz.....mE ScHlInG oSo.....HaHa....SeEn hIS BlOG...sO OrBiT...
nO oFfEnSe BuT ThE fOnT La dEaR...iTs dIsTuRbInG.tOtAlLy...
HmMm.....MiSs hIm...aGaIn....HaHa...he NeVeR rEpLy mE LE...MaYbE hE iS bUsY La....
Im bOrEd...nW dOin PrOjEct TiNgIe....LatEr aT tWo MUz gO tO TuT...tHeN mUz fInD miZ tAn tO TaKe tHe tEstsssss dAt i miSsED....tSk tSk.....
ThEn mUz mEeT pRoJeCt GrP 4 mCt...HaIz.....So mAnY StOoPId tInGs tO DO...hAvEnT EvEn hAd My LuNcH.....iM HunGry....
HaIz...kLa....gUeZ I GtG....sO MaNy pEePs In dIs lIbRaRy osO....
ByES~~i mIsS hIm...AgAin!!!!~~~
1:15:00 PM
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Why is it that when you realize you love someone...You end up losing them?It's like someone purposely wants your heart to hurt... More than it already does.
Why is it that when you're with someone...You break up over the smallest thing,And at that moment you realize how much they really mean to you?But when you want to get back together...They suddenly give you even more reasons why they can't.
Why do the people who you think are so perfect for you... Always seem to slip away?They are the ones who are the hardest to keep,And when you lose them... You think you can't live without them in your life.
But when when you think you are finally over them, And you can move on...You hear their voice just one more time And fall for them all over again.
How come they are the ones that are on your mind when you are with someone else?You dont expect it and you dont do it on purpose, But you just suddenly think of them.
1:56:00 PM
WoiTs~~~....ItS BeEn sOoOo lOnG OrEaDY IsNt It...WoW.....nX TWo WeEkS,I WiLL bE HaViNg mA ExAmS......dAMn.....Im In DeEp SHIt....Im in dEeP TRoUbLe........BuT WaTEvEr iT iS,lIfE iS GrEaT RiTe NW.....No MorE sHiTtY hAPpEnInGS.....hAhA....hMmM........Nw iN ThE LiBRaRy.....WaItInG fOr mY GrP DiScUsSiOn....MiSs 3 tEsTs!!!!!!OvEr SlEpT...tSk tSK.....wEll,DaTs Me....ItS bEcUmInG A NoRmAlItY lE....iM PaThEtIc....LaTeR tAkIn mC...aLoNe!!!!He nEvEr CoNtAcT Me....<>cOz hiS CaRd Gt nO MoRe MoNeY Le....DaTs pAtHeTiC...HaHa....BuT iM SuRE He wIll....HE Is worKiNG rITe nW....pOoR tInG....mIsS hIm....MaYbE LaTeR asK HiM OuT FoR dInNER.........hMmM.....
bUt wIll He wAnNa mEEt Me???YeStErDaE Had a mInoR fIgHT....We sElDoM fiGhT n dIs sUks......HoPe iT'll Be ok....
WeLL,i gTg...UpDaTe u aNoThEr tYm kAyS.....
1:39:00 PM